Over the past few years I have coached and inspired over 1 Million people in 65+ countries. Nearly 125,000 of them have become business partners of mine. The others it has been through magazines, dvds and speaking on stage in stadiums and arenas. It has been a humbling and enlightening experience at the same time. As weird as it sounds it was something I envisioned as early at 8 years old. Talk about dreams coming and true and the power of setting goals. WOW
I am so honored and blessed to be able to travel the world providing primarily network marketing coaching to so many people. When i was working at Costco many years ago I would take 1.5 trips a year. 1 trip was just a drive to Toronto (4 hours) and stay at the Holiday Inn. Then every 2 years or so I would cobble together my savings and spend a few days somewhere nice like Orlando before racing back to work again. Now as an entrepreneur life is radically different.
Entrepreneurs get to travel as much as they like. We go wherever we like, and most importantly we can work wherever we like. I was astounded when my faacebook checkin showed I had been to 127 cities just in the past couple years. This best part about traveling to all these cities, is that I am there to make difference in someone’s business and inadvertently their life. Every single one of the clips above was Business Travel. Yes they are nice destinations but that is just karma smiling back at me I guess.
Even though it looks like fun and games it is work. Certainly not the most back breaking work but work just the same. I shot this video to inspire others who want to be entrepreneurs or chase their dreams. You hear the quotes about do what you love and the money will follow. Or do what you love and you will never WORK a day in your life. Well they are all true. The 3 things I love are Business, Travel and helping people. Network Marketing and Network Marketing Coaching allow me to enjoy all 3. Now as I branch out into network marketing consulting and internet marketing coaching, I thankfully get to do more of the same. All the while helping even more people in more countries.
The Teaching Point:
If you want the finer things in life you just have to go out and get it.
Life is too short to settle for less than you feel that you are worth. #DontSettle
The best way to have the life you want is to go out there and help others have the life that they want.
7 Tips For Network Marketing Success
It seems like Network Marketing Success is so elusive to most people. However there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of growing your businesses faster. In this network marketing training I want to get you to focus on the 7 most important things that you should be doing. Actually it is 1 most important thing then i will break it down into the 7 activities that are associated with it. As a matter of fact this philosophy is also the most important concept in internet marketing business or any business at all really.
The concept I am sharing, is to make sure you focus your time and energy on Revenue Generating Activities. Some people call them Income producing activities. Either way the concept is the same. Too many people are busy being busy. For network marketing success or most importantly RAPID Success you need to put your time into the right things. And since you are in Business to make money then your time should be spent on just that … Making Money.
Now in network marketing since it is a relationship business or a people business there are many other things you can get bogged down in. Like studying the compensation plan over and over, making fancy charts and designs, getting involved in team politics. Or even the dreaded management mode where you spend all your time telling others what do. The worst part about this is that your team duplicates this and they just tell OTHERS what do. (which means nobody is WORKING so nobody is Making Money)
If you truly want to turn the tides in your mlm business and have network marketing success; here are the 7 things you should be spending No Less than 75% of your time on ……
1. Looking For Prospects
2. Inviting
3. Presenting
4. Following Up
5. Closing
6. Enrolling and Training
7. Building for Events
Even if you could Only MASTER #1 – #2, then there should be team members that can do the rest. Prospecting and Inviting are truly critical and rewarding Revenue Generating Activities.
Now at the start I said this could also be the said for Internet marketing and any other business in general. It is still true that you want to focus on RGA the only difference is those things will have slightly different names and actions but the concept is the same. Finding customers, Selling to customers and ensuring customers continue to buy from you over time.
And yes of course there are the other ingredients that are essential to a good business, like having a good product, providing value, treating customers right etc. However without those RGA’s you are just “playing business” and being a wantrepeneur instead of a profitable entrepreneur. Anyhow just make sure you follow these 7 important mlm tips if you want to ensure your network marketing success for years to come.
Microsoft Buys LinkedIn for a Whopping $27 Billion
Microsoft Buys Linkedin 27 Billion
Acquisition deals are common in business. But when the cost of acquisition is as much as $26.2 billion in cash for a social network, the deal certainly demands attention – mostly from entrepreneurs. Microsoft has announced that it’s going to acquire LinkedIn, an established professional network.
The acquisition deal (196th as per Wikipedia) that’s projected to conclude this calendar year will value LinkedIn shares at $196 each.
An important term of the acquisition process is that LinkedIn will have the freedom of retaining its own brand and culture and the it will function under the existing CEO Jeff Weiner. And Jeff will report directly to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. It’s important to know that the LinkedIn deal is the largest in the history of Microsoft. Other Microsoft recent acquisitions include Yammer ($1.2 billion), Mojang ($2.5 billion), Nokia ($7.2 billion) and Skype ($8.5 billion).
Microsoft’s success record in acquiring large companies is mixed. Back in 1997, Microsoft acquired Hotmail, a free email service, for $400 million. The deal resulted in an increased number of email subscribers and web traffic. In addition to that, the integration of Microsoft web apps like Windows Live Messenger and SkyDrive provided users with a unique experience. Recently, the Skype deal turned out to be a success. The Nokia deal fell flat. However, under Nadella, the company has witnessed more success with smaller acquisitions.
Microsoft hasn’t said anything about how exactly it will leverage LinkedIn. But it’s easy to imagine that the software giant will use the business networking platform to boost its own social networking presence.
Currently, LinkedIn has over 433 million users who use the platform to find jobs and connect with colleagues and professionals from all across the globe. Many of these users are also subscribers to the premium services offered by LinkedIn. The professional networking platform has been reported to generate $2.99 billion in revenue for 2015, which is a 35% increase from 2014.
“The LinkedIn team has grown a fantastic business centered on connecting the world’s professionals,” Nadella said. “Together we can accelerate the growth of LinkedIn, as well as Microsoft Office 365 and Dynamics as we seek to empower every person and organization on the planet.”
It’s obvious that the deal is a big one both in terms of the cash being paid and what LinkedIn brings to the table.
Since Nadella took over as Microsoft CEO, he has done a great deal to improve the performance and the image of Microsoft. In the technology industry itself, the company has moved ahead by partnering with companies like Salesforce.com, which was a tech rival at one time. Further, Nadella expanded the company’s ambit from traditional software to cloud applications. Under Nadella’s leadership, Microsoft’s stock has gone up considerably.
Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn is an act of bringing two perspectives together – professional cloud and professional network.
Weiner said, “Just as we have changed the way the world connects to opportunity, this relationship with Microsoft, and the combination of their cloud and LinkedIn’s network, now gives us a chance to also change the way the world works.”
It will be interesting to see though how Microsoft generates revenues from its acquisition of LinkedIn. Experts suggest that the company will use ‘LinkedIn data’ to pick up sensitive information about potential customers to increase revenues. By connecting LinkedIn directly to Microsoft Office, Microsoft could also make it easy for attendees of meeting learn from one another through direct invitations in their calendars. The LinkedIn algorithm that crunches data is of immense interest to Microsoft too.
Microsoft has attempted to gain ground in the social networking industry, but to no avail. In the year 2012, it acquired Yammer, a social networking service for private communication within organizations. But it’s hopes of turning this social networking deal into a huge success didn’t materialize. Nadella now hopes to fulfill this dream with his LinkedIn deal. However, one may ask why Microsoft didn’t venture into developing its very own social network instead of spending as much as $26.2 billion on acquiring one. Can’t Microsoft do just that?
My guess is that just like in the HOTMAIL deal Microsoft wants the LinkedIn users more than anything. If they created another social network they would still be fighting LinkedIn on top of all the networks for attention. This way they knock off a Major competitor and Microsoft is immediately a Dominant player in the social space. Of course they have a bunch of new half “customers” now to easily sell their wares too as well. The price tag was steep but in the future we will look back at the headline ” Microsoft Buys Linkedin” and say the move was brilliant.
Whether you have 1 or 1000 visits a day everyone wants to increase their blog traffic. Getting traffic to your blog is of paramount importance. In fact a bad blog with lots of traffic is superior to a great blog with NO Traffic. Of course we are striving for a Great blog with lots of traffic. That being said below I have outlined an easy to implement list of 9 quick tips to increase blog traffic. Best of all they are all Free Traffic Methods.
1. Write with KEYWORDS In Mind
Use the Adwords Keyword tool to know specific phrases people are looking for and write you post around that idea. Obviously insert that phrase NATURALLY and where relevant. The bulk of the value will come from using this phrase in your Title, anchor text and a few quality uses of it splashed throughout your article
2. Comment on Competitors Blogs
Post high quality and Value adding comments on your competitors blogs or any other good blogs within your niche.especially look for sites that have lots of traffic and many others commenting as well. Don’t be spammy. Also go Answers.Yahoo .com and FormSpring
3. Share on Social Sites
Share your work, links and articles on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest. Others may click, repost and bookmark. All of which will bring you traffic
4. Install and use Google Analytics
You will see unexpected patterns. Once you see them repeat them on purpose. Duh let Google tell you how to increase your blog traffic by doing more of the right things and cutting out the bad
5. SEO Friendly Site
Yes it changes but the basics will always be there. Have good Titles, Good Keywordrich Content and tag and optimize your pictures. This is 20% work but gets 80% of the traffic
6. Profile or Email Signature
I know it is sounds silly but it WORKS and is Automated. Best of all if people read your emails they already know you so they will be interested to check out your site.
7. Share with the Sharers
Target audiences that are predisposed to Like and Share content. Facbook Groups or people into motivation quotes or Retweeters are all good sources
8. Meet your Audience at THEIR Spot
Part take or hangout where your audience typically hangouts and JOIN convo. It is typically forums, facebook groups or some social space. They key is to blend in, interact and lend value … this will create interest in your Profile links or signature
9. Offline Events
Chat it up at Live Local events. People who met you are more likely to visit your site. You can even discuss ways to do business and grow traffic. Sometime they have registry books or better than that they create a Group or fanpage to stay in TOUCH. If you Really want a lot of traffic make sure YOU are the admin or the one who makes the Group – BOOOOM 🙂
Stick with it. Slow and STEADY wins the blog traffic race
I hope these tips help increase your blog traffic, let us know.
1 of my students had seen my video on Influence The Psychology of Persuasion By Robert Cialdini. So recently he asked me the difference between Persuasion and Manipulation. Part of me was surprised that this Leader did not know. Then again even though persuasion and manipulation are vastly different they are also dangerously close.
The quick answer to the difference between Persuasion and Manipulation is INTENT. What is the leader or speaker trying to achieve and more importantly what is their core motivation and for who’s benefit.
Another key component in the differences is how the 2 use emotions for or against you. Manipulators use, Fear, Anxiety, Guilt whereas the Persuaders typically use Encouragement, Empowerment and Happiness towards the outcome. Now there will be times when even persuasion will have to be used to get people to do uncomfortable things but again if it ultimately benefits THEM then this is a good thing.
If you are hoping to be a Network Marketing Leader or a leader of any kind actually, you will have to learn to be persuasive whether you like it or not. As a matter of fact people are counting on you to be persuasive because most are inherently lazy and procrastinators that need a constant push. They also require that you paint a vision for them and give them the confidence and encouragement to believe they can realize that vision.
Your steadfastness, unwavering belief and positive vision of their outcome will become infectious and give them to boost to do something they might not have done on their own. This is simply because they didn’t think it was possible or necessary. You have now used your Influence to persuade them. When done right however the decision MUST ultimately be theirs. You just provide the Why and the How. They still have to provide the WILL to move forward.
By contrast a Manipulator will guilt and shame them to force their hand and their decision. Even if this works there will be two major short comings:
Unlike helpful persuasive leaders, Manipulators primary focus is their own benefit. Unfortunately it typically comes at the expense of those being manipulated. If you find your audience or prospects are becoming agitated or expressing gross discomfort with your ideas, suggestions or requests then they probably feel as if you are manipulating them in some way. Even if you are NOT the perception is still important to get trust and buy in. By contrast when you are using influence to persuade them even if you are requesting that they dig down deep you can see their eyes light up with a growing belief in the possibilities.
For more information on Persuasion check out some of my other articles on this subject. Also Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini is a must read for any up and coming network marketing leader or any business leader for that matter.
REBRANDING SITE – This is a Place holder. See you next week
Kevin Latmore – Elite Global Business Marketer