5 Tips For Generating Network Marketing Leads On LinkedIn

LinkedIn Network Marketing Leads

LinkedIn Network Marketing Leads

If you are looking for network marketing leads and prospecting ideas, then social media might be your answer. The 3 best social media sites for network marketing business would be facebook, twitter and my new favorite LinkedIn.

Facebook is of course the big kid on the block with over 900 Million users (of course there are MANY Millions of FAKE Facebook accounts) and twitter has 500 Million users but again there are a lot of spammers and robots on twitter. Linkedin has a whopping 200 Million users and most are quite savvy on both the internet and in business.

Average Age:

  • FB  18 – 34
  • Twitter  18 – 32
  • LinkedIn  43

Average Income:

  • FB  $28,000  – 66,000
  • Twitter  $26,000 – 51,000
  • LinkedIn  $109,000

Now that we know these vital statistics think about your business and what the perfect network marketing lead would look like to you. With over 200 million people all in one place you can see why I say it is a Great place for you to find mlm leads and maybe even your next group of mlm leaders. Linked in is the ultimate lead generation site. Best of all it is free and fewer people have figured this out than on facebook which in my opinion is starting to get a little silly with the mlm deal of the day or month junkies.

Ok so how do you turn all this Linkedin users to mlm leads or prospects you ask? Below are 3 simple steps to do just that.

1. Create a visually appealing, Professional Profile. No cartoon pics of batman or you in a beer-chugging contest with your buddies. People seeing your profile for the first time are going to judge you (harshly and quickly), so put your best foot forward. You are
trying to build trust and intrigue … and you have 3 seconds to do it.

2. Join some groups related to your network marketing business or products. Join a few since some are more active than others. its not too bad an idea if you join a couple big but “quiet” groups. (cuz yours post might be the only ones people see as supply may be limited). You get to be a BIG Fish in a small pond.

3. Even better than joining a group would be to Start a Linkedin group. You see by being the group owner / moderator, you are seen as an Authority on the subject. People naturally assume ou are the goto person on that subject. Also you can exercise
your influence by inviting people to the group, sending mail to the group once a week, controlling the  discussions when need be. and you get to decide who can be join or who gets removed.

* You will have to decide if you want your linkedin group to be open or close. If it is open anyone can join which gives you the best chance to find and generate many mlm leads for your business. That being said you have less control over things and the people.
If it is closed it is smaller but more intimate and people have a little more sense of belonging.

4. Offer Intelligent Advice. Since you are trying to generate network marketing leads, we can assume you joined groups related to your mlm opportunity or expertise. Answer as many questions as you can in short amount of time daily. (you should only spend 10 – 30 mins a day MAX on these sites) The key for this lead generation strategy is NOT  to be “spammy” or giving quick generic answers. (remember you are trying to be the AUTHORITY here). Also feel free to post links to HELPFUL resources on the subject or other key people in this field. Do NOT say check out my link/company for the answers. <—LAME

5. Just be Yourself. It sounds simple but its true. If you act phony people will see through it and you will have wasted your time. Be the person you want to Attract.

So if you want to start generating buckets of leads for your business jump on Linkedin, create an appealing profile create and join a few groups in your field and go help other people so that they can see you both Helpful and smart. If you have links in your profile and some good endorsements from your friends / biz partners your phone will start ringing soon enough. Join me on LINKEDIN

About the Author Kevin

Kevin Latmore is as a record breaking $7Figure Network Marketing Success Story. Some Call him a marketing guru. He's coached over 100K people in 65 countries and sold over $100M worth of goods / services. Kevin is now a highly sought after MLM Consultant, Public Speaker and Elite Business Coach.

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