MLM Leads In Gig Economy
I truly believe that the Gig economy will make it much easier to find mlm leads and for mlm prospecting. Soon more and more people will become familiar with this quick moving phenomenon. They will be more receptive to your advice on what is the best mlm company to join.
What is the Gig economy?
Love it or hate it, the gig economy is coming! Whether you are already a gig worker or not, you should keep in mind that the number of gig economy workers will double by 2020. The gig economy is fast expanding, and you should be ready to embrace it before it’s too late.
Gig workers belong to a wide range of occupations. Though employment surveys can not easily identify all gig workers, it is the way they earn $ that ties them with a single, common thread.
But, what exactly is the gig economy?
In a Nutshell
The gig economy is an environment in which companies or businesses contract independent workers, temporarily. In simple terms, the gig or shared economy translates to broader options for workers. The gig job market backs up freelancers and contract employees who choose to be self-employed or work from home. Since self-employment or freelancing comes along with a lot of freedom and flexibility, the gig economy continues to rise every passing day.
Gig workers earn money through completing gigs which can be as short as a 5-minute survey or as long as an 12-month database management project. Actually, a gig is a short-term contract for accomplishing a specific piece of work. As soon as gig workers complete one gig, they start looking for another so that they can earn a steady income. It is common for gig workers to juggle many jobs at once.
According to a study conducted by Freelancers Union, as many as 53 million Americans are independent (or gig) workers, which makes up 34% of the total workforce. Another study from Intuit projects that by the year 2020, more than 40% of all US workers will fall into the gig workers category.
Occupations for Gig Employment
The availability of gigs varies from one occupation to another. There are some occupations where gigs are more likely while there are others that are not so promising. However, any occupation where short-term or contractual jobs are available carries potential for gig employment.
Key occupations where gigs are available include:
For example, the art and design field offers gig work for professionals like musicians, graphic designers and fine artists. Likewise, gig jobs for web developers, software developers and computer programmers are available in the field of computer and information technology. You can get individual gigs in all these occupations using the digital media (website or mobile app). Uber, Upwork and Airbnb are some of the most popular companies that offer gig-based work.
Benefits for Gig Workers
The best thing about gig work is that it gives gig workers greater control. As a gig worker, you are free to choose those projects that you enjoy working on the most as well as work around your own schedule.
Gig workers can complete multiple gigs at once. Gig employment also provides a safety cushion for those employees whose full-time, traditional jobs are terminated due to various reasons. Today, you can search for and do a wide range of gig-style work right from the comfort of your home.
Challenges for Gig Workers
Working in a gig economy also has its own challenges and risks. To keep earning steadily, you’ll need to find gigs on a consistent basis. Contract-based work can dry up due to a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons is a client’s negative review about your performance or quality of work. In a gig-based job, you will not be able to enjoy employee benefits like vacation, insurance etc.
Therefore, it’s always advisable to get started small, part-time. As you create your own niche, develop all the essential skills and grow your client base over time, you can finally become a full-time gig worker.
So as UBER and other gigs teach people to be their own boss you can see why I say this helps you with mlm leads. It is my belief that network marketing, mlm, franchising and freelancing are all GIGS or in the same boat. Long story short as the world boldly moves towards becoming a gig economy your mlm leads and prospects will be conditioned by the reality. They’ll be more receptive to joining your network marketing or mlm company. The best mlm leads are the ones who FINALLY realize a home business is the best way to go.
Kevin Latmore is as a record breaking $7Figure Network Marketing Success Story. Some Call him a marketing guru. He's coached over 100K people in 65 countries and sold over $100M worth of goods / services. Kevin is now a highly sought after MLM Consultant, Public Speaker and Elite Business Coach.